Monday, November 19, 2012


My wife has countless photo albums with pictures of children, grandchildren, pets, and just about everything else--except for the fish I've caught.  Many photos of the caught fish exist--especially since the digital age began-- but they have never been deemed "album worthy," So, I started this blog to save some of the photos which obviously have more meaning to me than to her. This blog is also another place where I can record my ramblings.

My grandchildren say that I'm "older than dirt."  Probably true.  I imagine they think that because of some of the stories I tell them.  Stories like the times back in the "old days" when I would go fishing with my uncle on his farm.  I was probably about 8 years old.  We would go to a spot down by a creek where cane or bamboo grew wild.  We'd cut ourselves a "pole," tie on a line with a hook and cork, and head to one of his ponds.  We would try to catch grasshoppers for bait, or, if it was the right time of year, we would use worms off his catalpa trees.  My memory is that we always caught fish.  Old guys like me have selective memory--we only remember the good stuff. My grandchildren take that story to mean that I started fishing before fishing poles were invented.

I always keep a box of night crawlers in the garage fridge so when the grandkids are here, we can fish at a moments notice.  If you start with nice healthy worms, they will last over a month in the fridge.  You can guess who has to put the worms on the grandkids hooks.  I hope that's why they tell me that I smell like worms.

So, in their eyes, I'm older than dirt, and I smell like worms.  They may be right.


Anyway, I've been fishing for a long time.  I'm lucky enought to live on a small lake in Central Indiana, and I get to spend some time in Florida over the winter. Some of the saltwater fish photos are on my blog about traveling with our Rosborough.
I intend to periodically post my fishing results, but since I'm starting this blog in November, I'll need to catch up for most of this year.

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